You can use moment-timezone to mock timezones in Jasmine

I think.

Imagine you've got a Jasmine spec that tests that a given moment-backed function returns a local hour and day for a given UTC hour and day. It looks something like this:

// DateMath.js
import moment from 'moment';

function getDayHourForClient (utcDay, utcHour) {
    const m = moment.utc().day(utcDay).hours(utcHour).minutes(0).seconds(0);
    const localMoment = moment.unix(m.unix());

    return {
        hour: localMoment.hours(),

export default {

// Tests.js

describe ('A library that returns the local hour and day', () => {
    it ('should return the appropriate hour and day provided a UTC hour and day', () => {
        // Thursdays at 2 a.m. UTC
        const result = DateMath.getDayHourForClient(4, 2);

        // Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Chicago

If your computer lives in Chicago, Austin or Omaha, this test is grand. If it lives anywhere else you're sad.

While Jasmine does provide some utilities for dealing with time-dependent code it doesn't have an answer for how to run tests in a given timezone context. Enter moment-timezone. Consider the last test with some modifications:

import moment from 'moment-timezone';

describe ('A library that returns the local hour and day', () => {
    it ('should return the appropriate hour and day provided a UTC hour and day', () => {'America/Chicago');

        // Thursdays at 2 a.m. UTC
        const result = DateMath.getDayHourForClient(4, 2);

        // Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Chicago

Yay! Now we're all in Chicago! moment-timezone provides a way to set a default timezone, meaning that any datetime objects constructed with moment will adhere to the set timezone.